Future, Vision, Faith, Hope.
Do you believe in the future? If so, with ambition and practice become a leader. Leadership is the ability to influence and guide others in accomplishments. The best leaders are invisible.
Do you believe in the Future? If so, with ambition and practice become a leader. Leadership is the ability to influence and guide others in accomplishment of a goal.
The art “comprises both the visual public performance and constant application of technique,” says legendary maestro Eugene Ormandy, “The Art of Conducting.” Personal study, rehearsal and performance each requires excellence at all levels, notes Ormandy.
“Music lives only when the notes fly off the page and soar into glorious sound, he wrote.”
Ron Kitchens, CEO and president of Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce presented “The Future of the Falls” as the morning speaker October 15th at MSU’s Lifelong Learning Center. For more about these weekly sessions each Tuesday and Thursday information see https://msutexas.edu/lifelong-learning-center/
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has,” Ron said, quoting Margaret Mead.
He has this Mead quotation in the conference room at the chamber offices downtown.
Approaching two years in his role, Ron noted that 850 million dollars of new construction is underway. This on top of 7.7 billion dollar of existing property within the city limits.
The new state hospital construction is half of this amount with many other projects in the $50-$80 million range. The S.H. 287 business park coming on the south side is sold out!

The City Council will review an opportunity for a hyperscale data center project later this month.
These data centers scale to 1- million-square-foot data centers. Fiber internet access and Oncor connection to 25-50 megawatts of power are available. 1,000 of these data centers will be placed in the US as Artificial Intelligence (AI) drives demand. 400 of these data centers are sited; we are competing for one of the 600 to be decided.
AI search better matches how humans think, but an AI Google search can draw as much as 10 times the power. Hyperscale Data Center construction needs 2,000 workers over several years, then a fifty-person operating staff.
Ron has a wealth of similar stories, and enthusiasm for the future. He conducts with passion, the notes flying in harmony. I’m full of faith and hope. This is the best of times.
“If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”
― William Arthur Ward
Published Wichita Falls Times Record News, Trends Section, Sunday October 27, 2024.
Jack Browne is a community volunteer and former technology sales and marketing executive who worked 40 years at Motorola, MIPS Technologies and other companies. How are the children doing?
The conductor story comes from my daughter Sakura's college text book Conducting music